Westbrook Artists' Site - exhibition series 04 N00965859F
N00965859F is the title of exhibition series 04 at the Westbrook Artists' Site (WAS). The title does not reveal its significance. Its context would seem to indicate a link to a important narrative. It holds a fine line between something as large the dehumanization of an individual, race, or group of people by another and as insignificant as a randomly made up set of numbers and letters. But like much of the art in the N00965859F, it works as an abstraction compelling the viewer to complete a narrative. What is inherent in the art itself is unclear; the construction of meaning is the underlying subject of the work.
- WAS 04 Mitchell Squire
tracy heneberger
wesley kalloch valerie knowles leah ellen kucera kevin lair susie nielsen alexander scott mitchell squire sand t tobar nora wendl |